
Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful time together with family and friends. So often we take for granted the gifts that we have to enjoy all throughout the year.

As I was catching up on some emails and newsletters that I haven't had time to read, I noticed how many power companies signed contracts to purchase power from companies that either erected large wind turbines on privately owned or leased lands or solar arrays that also produce multiple megawatts of power.

Now forgive me if I seem a bit "dumb" by all this, but it seems to me that the best way to introduce that cleanly produced energy to the business and residential consumer would have been by placing the solar panels and or wind turbine(s) on the rooftops of the businesses and dwellings themselves, or at the very least, on the grounds of those occupancies.

I fail to see why it is a requirement that our tax dollars provide incentives for the very companies that enslave us all to them. Is it just me or do others see the lack of accountability toward the taxpayer in this?

For the Christian population, today represents the birth of Jesus, the gift of God the Creator to all humanity. So in that spirit, I too would like to offer a gift to the American People in the form of suggestion and a prayer.

First I suggest that you call, write, fax, attend a town hall meeting, and tell your Representatives in the House and Senate to vote "NO!" on this socialist health care bill now before them. This bill will do nothing but cause medical care to become a rationed government program, produce waits for routine examinations and treatment for months, and will limit the types of care a person may be entitled to based on their income, credit score, or even their age. Maybe the Congress did not read all the pages, which of course they need to BEFORE voting for it, but they didn't, but I read enough to know that it is a outrage that will make all Americans more encumbered to the government's policies.

Now may I offer my prayer:

I pray that Americans will awaken on January 1st, 2010 with a resolution to bring America back to the "Republic for which it stands, as one nation under God, with Liberty and Justice for All."

Liberty will only be had by those that remain vigilant to protect it.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fight Organized Crime: Abolish the Federal Reserve

With the east snowed in and the west (here anyway) getting ready for some more rain in the valley and snow in the mountains, I got to thinking about the snowball that will become an avalanche to the American economy and taxpayer with the beginning of a new year.

Americans need to know why we are in financial crisis and that the government cannot provide the answers. The reason they can't is because the Federal Reserve makes decisions that effect our lives in secret. They claim that is done to protect the markets from speculators that would take their deliberations as signals to use to buy or sell stock. They claim that interest rate changes made known before official announcements are made could also give a few an unfair "insider trading" advantage.

The truth about our American currency is that it is a sham. It's counterfeit and worthless paper and fancy inks. There is no asset value to the money we call legal tender for all debts public and private. In fact, I am thinking about insisting on payment in silver or gold. I would probably get paid in copper or a few silver pieces, but certainly not pieces of eight. In that way, no matter what the paper or electronic exchange system of credit and debit financial transactions, precious metals will always hold their value. Gold will never be worthless glitter, never!

We the people of these disorganized, poorly represented states of the Central North American continent will soon lose the national sovereignty that we hold to be so precious. The great foundations of the United States of America have been eroding for decades now, and current generations are not even aware of the significance of the Constitution rights and responsibilities of the people and the respective government elected by the people for their representation. We are losing it to become combined with Canada and Mexico as a new "political and trade" entity called the North American Union and will have as its currency the Amero. Yeah I know, sounds just like that crazy conspiracy theory bull-puckey.

We can never get out of debt when the value of the money we have is set by the central banks which are the secret owners of the Federal Reserve System. Currency without asset backing has no real value outside the dictates of the huge banks that are willing to except that currency in fair trade value. But what does determine the value of asset-backed currency? In the case of the British Pound, it would be one pound of silver. The United States used to have Silver Dollars that were actually worth more on the international market than it's one US dollar value because the weight of silver in that dollar may have risen on other monetary systems, but for us at least, we are not effected by it unless we are dealing with foreign markets.

Why did this nation really go from a sound gold backed reserve system with coins of precious metals with real tangible value, to a system of credits and debits? The credits always seem to be on the plus side for the Federal Reserve and on the debit side for the American taxpayer. This happens in greater or lesser amounts depending on what? The mood of the money barons?

I feel it is my duty as a patriotic American to inform my fellow citizens of any transgressions against our basic Constitutional rights and responsibilities. In my way of thinking it would be treasonous if I did not make others aware of these unscrupulous and felonious acts that are perpetrated on the people of this nation with our government's sanction and support. Congress passed laws to create the Internal Revenue Service and to levy taxes on all Americans. But that is a topic for another time.

There are bills currently before both houses, HR1207 and S604 which both call for auditing the Federal Reserve. I feel that as far as they will go to make public the transactions of out tax dollars, it will not replace the reason that the Federal Reserve Act must be repealed and Congress must have ready a plan to coin currency and set its value.

Gold and silver coin will be used to provide tangible valued currency for exchange of goods and services. Paper money which will be Gold or Silver Certificates, will then be used in lieu of bulky and heavy coin but must be accepted for exchange of its equivalent value of gold or silver on demand by a US Treasury Reserve Bank which will also supply local private banks with exchange of certificates or metal coin and bullion.

Do your own research my dear and fellow American Patriots, before Old Glory will be replaced with a new "corporate" flag of the new Union of North American States.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Healthcare

It's been a while since I have posted so I thought it was time that I did. A lot has been going on in my life and I have been busy handling many different tasks.

I have started being a caregiver for a very good friend that suffered a massive stroke. That in itself will be taking up a good part of my time. But I want to stay active in the Libertarian ideology for fixing America, so I am looking at starting a blog talk radio show possibly in January. I will invite guests and I will of course have to have listener call-ins.

So now that I let you in on my life, lets get to the liberty and healthcare issues. Any public option is socialized medicine. And anyone that has read the bill would see how that can be used to adversely affect the patient. Now of course Congress will reassure you that is not the intent of the legislation, but how can they say that when they haven't read it themselves?

There needs to be a law that simply put, Congress cannot pass a law that Congress itself has not read and fully understands. And then explain it to the people that elected you, so that they can offer there own feelings and opinions regarding its benefits to We the People.

The biggest problem with health care is health care coverage. Health care plans are not insurance plans because it is not there as insurance if something goes wrong, it is there to provide the maintenance one needs today in an under nourished and over medicated nation. Quick remedies with flashy ads and strange sounding names have replaced common sense.

The technologies that have made a difference in human health are not drugs. Refrigeration that allows foods to be stored longer without spoilage, basic hygiene as is washing hands after handling anything that can be a possible source of bacteria and virus.

Now medical science on the other hand made leaps and bounds until drugs became the way of the future, our present in medicine.May may now possess the ability to look into the micro world of living virus to observe it in vitro. We have the ability to test non-invasive means such as light and sound and even radio waves to treat and heal.

Simple remedies lick apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are not even mentioned when we have names like Tamiflu and Nyquil. And it helps relieve all those symptoms. Yes, but it offers no cure for what caused those symptoms and that is the key to my opposition to any health care bill which does not first and foremost, address why health care costs go up.

And if people are getting sicker then it's because of all the processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, fluoride toothpaste, fruits and vegetables that have little real nutritional value, and quick fix drug relief from every little annoyance one may encounter physically.

I'll end my monologue here as I contemplate my Christmas blog.

And Happy Chanukah!