
Monday, August 30, 2010

The Fall of Our Discontent

It is raining for the first time in many weeks here in the Willamette Valley and it is for me, the first sign of the fall. It is also an indication that November elections will be upon us very soon. Time to make choices.

I am backing Art Robinson in my Congressional District to end the reign of Democratic incumbent Peter Defazio. I have met with the Congressman in town hall meetings and write to him weekly. His voting record speaks for itself, as he has backed the health care plan and other liberty robbing government bills against what I and most other constituents want.

But this year is also an opportunity for all Americans to stand up and make their voices heard above the noise from the liberal majority and their media spin doctors. For decades now, the two party system has given us nothing but bloated government and increased spending. With the new health care legislation and cap and trade, America will be reduced to a per capita income of some third-world countries. And in a state where unemployment has been 10%, we cannot afford the changes that the present administration and Congress have been giving us.

I feel that we are on the brink of economic collapse unless we take radical steps to insure our nation's economic future. Even the Federal Reserve is at a loss as to what to do, as their inflationary system of debit-based currency cannot possibly endure if the United States is to remain solvent.

We need to restore fiscal responsibility and integrity to this nations monetary system, and ending the Federal reserve System is what is required. That and having Congress take its Constitutional responsibility to "coin currency and set the value thereof..." as it was charged to do. Passing that responsibility off onto private banking was the single most treasonous act that a sitting Congress has ever perpetrated on its citizens. The Federal Reserve Act  enslaved the public to "working for the man" just to pay the interest on the debt our government created.

Charity begins at home and it high time that American money was used to take care of America. Foreign aid given to nations that hate us is not in our best interests, so why bother? Use the funds instead to rebuild American infrastructure, making us independent of foreign fuels and products. That is not to say we boycott them, only that we will have a choice whether or not to buy American or foreign. Today, even when it is an American brand, it is made in a foreign nation, as the American company moved manufacturing off shore to take advantage of cheap labor and lower taxes. In that case, to level the playing field for real American-based companies, there needs to be tariffs and taxes levied on foreign goods and services.

I am looking at candidates running for office that are new, with solid backgrounds in business and community. Candidates who have demonstrated their humanity and common sense in areas other than politics. I trust these people will represent the people who elect them and not special interests, because they have demonstrated that inclination in their personal and professional lives. And when they complete their terms of office, they will return to their previous private lives without burdens on the taxpaying public.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cancer: World's Top Economic 'Killer'

According to an Associate Press article, "Cancer is the world's top "economic killer" as well as its likely leading cause of death, the American Cancer Society contends in a new report it will present at a global cancer conference in China this week.
Cancer costs more in productivity and lost life than AIDS, malaria, the flu and other diseases that spread person-to-person, the report concludes.
Chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease and diabetes account for more than 60 percent of deaths worldwide but less than 3 percent of public and private funding for global health, said Rachel Nugent of the Center for Global Development, a Washington-based policy research group."

And it doesn't have to be that way, as I have discovered many low cost treatments that are more effective than the standard treatments given by modern medicine today. The continued out of control costs for health care are obviously due to the increase in the number of cases of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. All of these are curable or preventable or both  by proper nutrition and exercise.

We need to lobby our state legislatures to allow alternative treatments to be accepted by health care plans and licenses practitioners. Modern medicine needs to rethink natural remedies as they work with the body's immune system effectively. Unlike drugs that suppress autoimmune functions, natural remedies compliment and support immune system health. And what drug made by humans can be more affective against disease than what nature created?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

In Loving Memory: Cyndi Marsico 3-20-1947 8-3-2010

I buried my wife Cyndi last Sunday, back in Pennsylvania with family and friends in attendance. Cyndi was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer with metastasized tumors in her spine and brain. There was nothing that conventional medicine could (would) do for her. But it does NOT have to be that way for others.

During the past month, I learned quite a bit about alternative cancer treatments that are not available in the United States because they are not "approved" by The FDA or the AMA. While they are proving to be more effective than conventional chemo-therapy and radiation, the fact that the therapies use natural ingredients and compounds, classifies them as "not  a cure for any diseases or illnesses" because here in America only drugs can be classified as cures.

Now my grandfather who was a physician himself for over 50 years, said that drugs "treat the symptoms and not the disease" in direct opposition the AMA/FDA standard line. During the time before the health care bill passed, I read an editorial by an emergency room doctor who said himself that it is the immune system that needs to cure the body.

Drugs that suppress autoimmune function are given in the form of steroids to reduce inflammation and morphine for pain which constipates and dehydrates. All that modern medicine offers is death as comfortable and pain free as possible. But based on my personal experience, that is not reality.  My wife was not comfortable with the care givers and said so. She also was not pain free with morphine, so they gave her other pain medications and sleeping aids.

But I want to do something positive and not just place blame on the health care industry. What I want to do is create changes that will allow alternative treatments to be used on cancer patients, at the very least, for those who have been abandoned my medical science. So I am looking into creating a not for profit foundation to support alternative cancer treatments in a clinical environment with medical staff to administer and monitor treatments and successes.

With the new health care bill comes some very dangerous legislation. This bill can deny health care to those who medical science deems incurable, leaving family and friends to watch their loved one die. Currently, health care plans will pay for "end of life care" but not for alternative therapy. And that needs to change if we are going to cure diseases and really get health care costs down.