
Friday, October 22, 2010

Unconstitutional Health Care Bill

Several judges in several states have dismissed law suits and others are moving forward with them. It seems that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is being questioned not for its validity by Constitutional law, but by the Commerce Clause and what Congress can do when faced with economic decisions.

In the case of State of Florida v. United States Department of Health and Human Services, Judge Roger Vinson reminds us that even in the face of a perceived crisis, such as the number of uninsured and rising health care costs, it is not enough that a law be wise and expedient, it must also respect the limits imposed by the U. S. Constitution.

It is obvious to me that this gentleman truly respects that Constitution and will allow the case to move forward. Not all jurisdictions are of the same opinion, and that seems to display a propensity by judges to legislate from the bench. Clearly, that is also restricted by Constitutional law, but the United States Supreme Court seems to ignore it regularly.

Access to health care can be seemed a "right" by some, but it is clear that does not indicate "entitlement" to health care, that is, you are not and should not expect that someone else must pay for your needs if you are unable to afford them yourself.

While I do feel that people do need to have medical assistance to remain healthy and productive citizens, that does not burden the rest of the nation to provide their care and treatments. Perhaps the health insurers and the pharmaceutical manufacturers that have enjoyed such enormous profits and growth, despite the economic downward spiral of nearly every other sector of business and finance, can give their support to the "crisis" in health care.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Global Socialism Has Covertly Siezed America and Will Rule The World

The title and video are from YouTube, but the message is clear. We are being usurped by the very people we chose to protect us. Our representative federal republic is being transformed into a socialist member of a global government.

The Obama Administration and his Democratic Congress are advancing the destruction of this country from within. When sessions resume after the elections in November, the President and his cabinet will be charging forward with sweeping changes to communications that will allow the government to wiretap at will. There will no longer we any privacy to individuals in America.

The Health Care bill will increase taxes while it reduces coverage to those who need it the most. Medicare will lose revenue and force seniors to pay increased premiums and co-pay expenses. And to pay for it all, the government will levy additional taxes on property sales furthering the burden on those that earn, to support the "entitlements" of those who do not work.

The Obama Nation is a socialist nation that wants us all to be totally dependent on the federal government. According to former British MEP Dan Hannan (, the EU is taking freedoms away from every member nation and turning them into subjects of a totalitarian global government.

We have an opportunity, no, a duty, to make our voices heard above the rhetoric and spin, to elect representation here in the United States, that clearly reflects our opposition to socialism and government control of our individual lives.

In just a few weeks, many Americans will be voting for candidates to represent them in local, state and federal governments. If we as a whole will support third-party and independent candidates, without "political experience," we will make a positive change in our lives. If we don't, and we succumb to the scare tactics of the two-party system, we will be lost as a sovereign nation.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Vote Them Out!

This year, America has the opportunity to take back the out of control government, and restore Constitutional liberties to the citizens, fiscal responsibility in federal government, and restoration of a sound monetary system that is not debit based.

The Republicans will have you believe that if you vote for a third-party candidate, that you will be giving away a vote to their Democratic opponents. This is not about either party, it is about restoring the republic.

The Tea Party movement is just that; it's a grassroots movement just like the one that moved Barak Hussein Obama into the White House. We the People are the Tea Party. We are not going to listen to those that we elected to represent us, they don't know how to run an ethical campaign, how can we expect them to act any better when they take an oath to serve?

Each of them takes an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, from all enemies both foreign and domestic, and yet they are the very criminals that have usurped the Constitution, and have made government the necessity of the enslaved public.

Businesses are best left to their own successes and failures, and the burdens of over regulation on the pretense of public protect is ludicrous in the least, but it is the harm it does that is devastating to our nation.

The most Constitutionally fundamental, Libertarian ideology can best be demonstrated by the long-time Republican Congressman from Texas, Dr. Ron Paul. If you have been afraid of voting for a Libertarian candidate because of all of the media nonsense about them being radical, then I guess I am a radical as well.

Because I love this nation as it was designed to be,  a free nation for all its citizens, and where the individual States exercised their Constitutional powers to govern. The Federal Government has become a money pit of debt and corruption. We have gone from the richest to to the most indebted country in world in a relatively short time, and unless we act now to stop it, it will cost us and generations to come our very freedom.

It does not matter how you registered, so long as you vote for a candidate that is not a career politician, that has no "in the Beltway" experience whatsoever. Someone that will be representing the people of their Congressional district and the Senators as representation for the States. And please make the same ideological choices when you vote for local and state candidates also, they are are your first representatives who will have the most immediate impact on you communities.

For many years, it was the "big corporations" that many people felt were controlling the government. Now it appears as if the government is beginning to control the corporations. All smoke and mirrors my fellow Americans.

It is the Federal Reserve and its controlling banks that are behind it all, and it has been almost 100 years since they began the reign of enslavement. For me, I want people in Congress who will enact the legislation to end the Fed and restore us to an asset-backed monetary system, where every dollar is worth real value. But that is for another time. Getting the incumbents out and the right people into Congress is the most important thing we can do as American citizens this November.