
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Our Enemy Is The State: Part II

Would it not be better for all concerned if  the State and local governments took responsibility for building their own roads and highways? Yes, there can be a standard in how these roads must interconnect with those of adjoining states, but it need not be a federal mandate or regulation.

It seems that the needs of the local communities are best served by the local government(s) without federal intervention.

For every dollar the federal government takes from the taxpayers in each State, only a fraction is returned to the States due to the overhead of a bloated federal bureaucracy. These tax dollars are best left to the individual States to decide what serves  the highest good for the benefits of their taxpaying residents.

It is yet another way that the federal government removes liberty from the People. The State governments must comply with the federal laws, mandates, and regulations, often to the detriment of the liberties of the people they represent.

An idea that would best serve the benefit of the People is the Solar Roadway concept of Scott Brusaw. Solar energy used for power, to light the roads and provide information displays to motorists, a truly smart grid that also contains telecommunications, all enclosed within each roadway panel.

This is an idea that would benefit the nation, but it is not even being considered by the federal government. Why? 

While billions if not trillions of taxpayer dollars were wasted on companies like Solydra, The solar roadway concept languishes. The shame of it all is to detrimental effects not only  to the economy but to transportation itself.

Liberty is taken from inventors when the government takes control of businesses. Isn't it time We the People do something about it?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our Enemy Is The State! Part I

 In his book

Our Enemy the State, published in 1935, Albert Jay Nock could not have any idea that liberty would have deteriorated to such an extent as it has in the present.

The responsibilities given to government will decrease the power of the People in proportion. It is inevitable that when people seek to become dependent on government, the government will take on those dependencies at a very high price: your liberties will erode until you have only privileges instead of rights.

Just imagine if local communities took responsibility for building roads. This task while seemingly complex, can be accomplished through cooperation with other communities more efficiently than relying on government. And local contractors hiring local workers would benefit, thereby stimulating local economic growth and prosperity.

Even when errors are made in engineering, it would be much simpler to remedy a few miles rather hundreds of miles of government mistakes. Not to mention the fact that government would use most of the funding to pay for studies and that which is left would not be sufficient to build anything.

Today we are faced with a runaway government that wants to restrict all freedom and only allow certain privileges to the People. The rewards will be rationing of the basic necessities of life rather than the freedom to choose what an individual considers his or her necessities.

"This is the gravest danger that today threatens civilization: State intervention, the absorption of all spontaneous social effort by the State; that is to say, of spontaneous historical action, which in the long-run sustains, nourishes and impels human destinies."

Jose Ortega y Gasset, 1922

In each installment of this series I will address each area that was once a choice and now has become a regulated privilege or mandatory program of government. I encourage readers to comment and offer their own experience and insights into the problems we face and the solutions to restore liberty to the republic.

Part II

Monday, November 26, 2012

9/11: What Really Happened?

Over the past decade, I have watched many shows on television, videos on YouTube, and read many articles and essays about conspiracies and false flag operations in regards to the attacks of September 11, 2001. Most offer good speculations and theories, many of them are convincing enough to indicate that buildings that collapsed that horrible day were demolished by explosives. Many eye witnesses who spoke up on that day, confessed to hearing explosions just before the towers collapsed.

All of these raised questions, but none of them provide the 'smoking gun' evidence that most skeptics require as proof, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Today I happened to run across a video that to me at least, is very convincing as it puts so many puzzle pieces together. While I am certain it will not bring charges against any co-conspirators, it at the very least will convince many on-the-fence skeptics that there is much more going on than what our government admits.

I really want to see your comments regarding this and please share it with others.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

T'is The Season

It is not by coincidence that this time of year has so many celebrations and holidays. In Judaism, in Christianity, in Islam, there are holy days celebrated. So many have been "lost" since "pagans" were converted to Christianity. Others were simply adopted to Christian meanings.

The harvest season in Paganism and many ancient religions were the celebration of the abundance and the bounty, thanking the "Goddess" which became "Mother Nature." All Hallow's Eve which celebrated the time when the window or veil between the two worlds of the living and dead was at its thinnest and therefore a  time when communion was possible. Christianity used it as a tool. Ghosts and goblins, gremlins and witches, "scared off" by ugly faces carved in pumpkins, a plentiful gourd that was harvested in the early fall.

Thanksgiving celebrates with a feast of that harvest bounty, and is credited to the "pilgrims" of early America, who celebrated with the native tribes who although wary, were welcoming and offered to share in the abundance. At least until enough greedy Europeans decided they no longer wished to share. They just took what they wanted and then when the native nations rebelled, they were labeled as savages and were slaughtered.

In Christmas we also have many traditions that were changed to fit the holiday and appease the other religious beliefs. The "present" under the tree was originally a very special mushroom, one that had unique psychoactive properties. The "Magic Mushroom" of many legends and myths. But such a mind expanding revelation was intolerable to a strict belief in Christian Scripture and had to be made into something more acceptable to the Church.

It would take a book of several volumes to depict and explain all of the various traditions that were incorporated in the Christmas holiday. Much of the information is readily available to those who choose to do the research.

There is a common theme that can be embraced by people of all faiths: Love and Peace. Goodwill to (hu)man. Giving to others. Instead what we have in the world today is conflict, divisiveness, hate, oppression, and selfishness.

Our governments in just about every major nation promotes hate while pretending to be about peace. If all nations are peaceful, then why is there so much war and death? There must be a simple answer to it.

I propose that peace is not profitable. Those who finance the weapons of war, the manufacturers of weapons reap fortunes while millions go hungry and without medical care. Those who are caught in the conflicts simply die. The blame lies with the banks that back the war machine.

Remember that phrase, "What if they had a war and nobody came?"

The best methods for peace start with love and tolerance. Focus on the commonalities and accept the differences. But do not tolerate ignorance and lies. Teach those who do not know and be truthful always. Love with all your heart and soul.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Stop This Madness and Murder!

How many years have  the Israelis been subjected to rockets targeting civilians? They were not targeting troops. Hamas militants hide behind children and claim the children are being killed by atrocious Israeli aggression.

Both sides are guilty of atrocities against each other, but the privately-owned major media and the American President are most sympathetic to the Muslims than they are to the children of both sides.

Prior to Balfour, Great Britain was the occupier of "Palestine" and the land was mostly populated by nomadic Arab tribes from Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. The Nazis had influenced those tribes prior to WWII to not admit 'Jews' who were seeking escape from death camps.

The Zionists were Ashkenazim Jews, a radical sect no better than the radical militants of Islam. Why must all Jews be persecuted because of the radicals?

During the Crusades, it was the Holy Roman Catholic Church who were the aggressors and the occupiers of those very same lands, and the retribution by Muslims was directed towards them. It turned to Jews because of Hitler and his henchmen.

We the People, who love our liberty and freedom to speak out against injustices must unite and not choose sides. This divisiveness is how we are all exploited to condone genocide and the war machine of the Military Industrialists, the global banking elite, who seek only power and profit.

It is long past time that all nations rise up against the true enemy of humanity instead of bickering and fighting among themselves. We need each other to stop the takeover of these megalomaniacs who hold the purse strings of the treasuries of so many nations in the world.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Why Are We Targets of Terrorists?

Everyday we are bombarded with media from all parts of the world regarding terrorism, and much of it seems to be targeting Americans.  Aside from the issues in the Middle East, much of it is also against America's ally Israel; we still do not have an answer that addresses the true reasons why.

The most recent killings of Americans in Benghazi was blamed on a video. I doubt that anyone with an ounce of intelligence will believe that. It seems far-fetched to assume that such a production can be responsible for such atrocities when there is no connection between the two other than Islam and American clashes in ideology and propaganda. Both sides are equally guilty of their own atrocities, one in the name of Allah and the other in the name of freedom. 

Neither Allah nor freedom can condone the murder of innocent people whose only crimes are difference of ideology or religion. The war of words is more inflammatory than what the so-called diplomats are willing to admit.

The finger pointing is not correctly targeting the real culprits in all of this. The banks and the manufacturers of weapons of war are the ones who always profit no matter who wins. It is they who profit from war no matter who wins.

"All men are created equal..." as quoted from the American Declaration of Independence, however they do not all find equal station in life. Some are content with a simple yet charitable life, while many others feel the temptation of greed and power to be more appealing to their wants.

The Constitution for the United States makes it clear that the founders of this once great and prosperous nation felt that above all, liberty of the individual was the most relevant issue of any union of States in forming a nation. The laws which govern the People, were by and large, those which were based on the simple rule that we all our accountable for our own actions, and those actions must not infringe upon the rights of others in order that they be permissible in a civil society.

The very idea that any one people is more relevant than others is arrogant in the least and detrimental to the well being of all others. In the original words, it was, "the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" which was changed to include the right to property. Property is subject to interpretation which does not necessarily include land ownership. That concept was brought to these shores by feudal systems of Europe where owning lands was an elevation to one's station in life. The many nations of North America had no concept of owning the land. They were merely using it and left it as their needs dictated, and mostly did what they could to return it to its original pristine state when they moved on.

When World War II ended and a piece of land in the desert was designated as the new home of the many survivors of the Nazi death camps, Great Britain was the "owners" of the lands they called Palestine. It was also the British who armed the nomadic tribes they called Arabs to try and keep the Jewish state from forming, in spite of the efforts of many other allied nations and the United Nations to make it a reality.

The Nazis themselves had polluted the minds of those nomadic tribes to prevent many Jews from escaping to a safe sanctuary instead of facing death in the many camps built to exterminate them. Perhaps religion does play a part in all of this.

The Holy Roman Church probably did more to hurt the nations of Islam in their Crusades than all of the Israeli Jews did. And while I cannot simply condone retribution as just cause for killing innocent people, it does seem that a workable solution can be had if both sides can be made to own up to their own atrocities and agree to live with each other in harmony and peace.

After all, we in the United States have grown because of our acceptance and tolerance of the many immigrants who came here to find a new life of peace and prosperity. Tolerance only needs to be acceptance of the differences without changing one another's beliefs in regards to religion.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

To Your Health! Alternative Cancer Treaments

When my late wife Cyndi was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer, she was too far gone for conventional treatments. Tumors had spread into her spine and brain and the oncologists could not even perform radiation therapy on her. They sent her home under hospice care to die.

I began researching alternative treatments but many of them required travel to alternative cancer treatment centers and we could not afford the travel nor the treatment. I ran across a physician locally who pointed my to a website called Cancer Tutor. There I discovered several treatments that promised results and none were by any means conventional.

The first of two that seemed promising was sodium bicarbonate and maple syrup. An Italian doctor published an article about something called Insulin Potentiation Therapy or ITP. The theory is that when you starve cancer cells of sugar, they are more receptive to the chemotherapy drugs. This has been used with limited success in treating patients who would be otherwise too weak to survive a full dose of  the drugs.

So what if you use a natural alternative to the chemotherapy drug but reduce the sugar intake also? I read about Dr. Tullio Simoncini and sodium bicarbonate on several websites. See: 

One method suggests using 1 part Sodium bicarbonate to 3 parts pure maple syrup. With nothing to lose I mixed up and cooked a batch while Cyndi was still in the hospital. I brought it to her in a small medicine bottle and asked her to try it. Besides the fact that she likes it, I noticed that her catheter bag had a white mucus oozing into it. When I asked a nurse about it I was told that it was due to the antibiotics she was being dosed with via IV. But when I came in the next day, I saw bag that contained the antibiotics were gone, but I did bring another batch of the SB/MS and about twenty minutes after ingesting it, the same mucus flowed into the catheter bag.

I also read about oxygen therapies that included pure oxygen, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide. In my previous post To Your Health! Hydrogen Peroxide   I wrote about hydrogen peroxide treatments for infections. 

I didn't get the opportunity to treat her with IV ozone or hydrogen peroxide. By the time I found a physician willing to run an IV, Cyndi passed on.

Instead of being negative and looking to blame the doctors, hospice and hospital, I have chosen to pass this information on so that others may benefit and not suffer the loss I have experienced.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

To Your Health! Hydrogen Peroxide

It makes sense that if the government was truly concerned about the well-being of the public, health care costs needs to be secondary to the actual treatments and cures. Since its founding, the American Medical Association has done little to further, in fact, the contrary is obvious since is accomplished for the benefit of patients.

AMA founder and first Director Morris Fishbien, was from the start a man driven by profit and power. While there may me times when a well intentioned few may sit on the AMA board, for the most part of its existence, it has catered to the drug industry as its primary sponsor and contributor.

Modern “medicine” has stood in the path of cures and healing now since the AMA’s founding and its marriage with the pharmaceutical industry. The influence of drugs is evident in how the medical education changed over the last 100 years. Prior to that, flowers, herbs, leaves, roots, etc. were the derivative sources for drugs. Now it is mainly based on toxic chemicals that would be considered poisonous in larger doses, and in many cases they do prove to be, as the number of side effects, usually far outweigh the therapeutic value.

And yet the attack on natural remedies magnifies whenever such a natural treatment is brought to the attention of the media and the masses. Such has been the case with cannabis but what about something completely effective and natural as hydrogen peroxide?
From the Educate Yourself site you will find a great article on the benefits of hydrogen peroxide. But why is it that the bottle available at most chain store pharmacies sell it for less than a dollar while the food grade sells for so much more? A quart in Rite-Aid for example costs about ninety five cents where a pint of food grade costs over twenty dollars? Concentration of  the food grade hydrogen peroxide is much higher. A thirty five percent concentrate for food grade, versus three or four percent for over-the-counter antiseptic. But then the food grade does not contain any addition chemicals necessary as stabilizers since the pure H2O2 has no additives one would expect that its price is less.

On a cellular level, H2O2 is produced to fight bacteria and other infections. It seems that its oxidizing qualities are beneficial when properly used as an additive with a nutritional diet and good exercise. The latter two are always emphasized when speaking of maintaining good health. So why is H2O2 not?

It’s all about profits. Plain and simple it comes down to profits.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Fond Farewell: The Last American Statesman

We may never know what America would have been had the American People stood up to the parties in force and elected Dr. Ron Paul as their 45th President. It is an equally sad day for those Texans that he has represented admirably for twenty three of the last thirty five years in the House of Representatives.

No one person has stood before the Congress with such integrity and honesty in defending the Constitution and the liberties of All Americans as Dr. Ronald Earnest Paul, the distinguished gentleman from Texas.

I have written about Dr. Paul over these last four years in my effort to educate and inform my followers and readers why it would be in the best interest of all Americans to have this statesman as our President. In the post What Would Really Happen If Ron Paul Were To Be Elected President? I explained through the words of Bill Sardi the policies of Dr. Paul and how they would restore economic solvency, reduce debt, and restore our monetary system to a soundness that has been absent since the beginning of the Federal Reserve System.

To allow Dr. Paul to say it in his own words I present here the full transcript of his farewell address to Congress, courtesy of the Campaign for Liberty website. You can read the Farewell Speech here.

Added the YouTube video!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Restore the Title of Nobility Amendment!

The State of Virginia became the deciding State to ratify the amendment on March 12, 1819, however it was subsequently hidden from the American People after the Civil War ended and the nation's government became a corporation. The records of that ratified amendment were believed to be lost and forgotten. Neither is correct nor true. See: The Original Thirteenth Amendment: Titles of Nobility and Honour

Updated June 30, 2015:

Since this post was first published new information has come to light including a postwar version of the Constitution of the United States of America from Colorado in 1868.

The original Thirteenth Article of Amendment as it was written and ratified states:

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."


What is the true meaning of this amendment and why was it hidden from us?

Reference links:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A New Declaration

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

Passed by the new Congress on July 4, 1776 by the Representatives of the Thirteen (former) British Colonies, the Declaration of Independence served as notice to a tyrannical King and an oppressiveness against the rights of free and sovereign individuals as prescribed in the second paragraph of that document:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Rights and duties and not obligations and permissions. When one is free and sovereign, there is only voluntary allegiance and not forced submission. We have come a long way from that premise in the past 236 years. 

From before the ink had dried on the Treaty of Paris, conspiracy and plots had already been formed to remove the liberties fought for and return the lands to the Crown. When the Constitution was presented to the representatives of the original thirteen States, it was not to be ratified until a number of rights were included explicitly, as notice to this newly formed national government that the States and its sovereign People retained the liberty they fought and shed blood to obtain.

In many ways, the war for liberty never ended. It was the bankers and not the Crown who really wanted control, and the Crown was merely a puppet front to conceal the true identity of those who sought control. It remains the same threat today as it did then.

We now face a divided America, not unlike the division that produced the Civil War, where many American lives were lost because of the influence of the banking cartel. History has been obscured by these same criminals, hiding the facts from the masses. It was always the "Money Masters" who influence wars and who profited regardless of who were the victors.

With the beginning of a second term for a President who, has proven to be a most formidable foe to the rule of (Constitutional) law, the free and sovereign individuals remain divided as to what course they will pursue to effectively restore this once great nation to its former heights of liberty and prosperity.

While there are many issues facing the States and the People, none is more relevant than restoration of constitutional law. The corporate laws that have replaced or suppressed the Constitution must be abolished along with the central banking cartel we know as the Federal Reserve System and its criminal strong-arm collection bureau called the Internal Revenue Service.

We witnessed in this past election how the "powers-that-be" will stop at nothing to insure their own complete takeover of the government and the People.What to do, what to do?

Will we remain slaves or will we fight back for our liberties? Will it be a peaceful revolt or a bloody one?

We won't have long to wait to find out!

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Blame Game: GOP Takes Their Turn

Before the final totals were in, the sore losing Republican Party was already blaming Ron Paul supporters for their loss. Having cheated Dr. Paul out of the nomination by every devious method possible, having denied him the opportunity to be a keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, they had the audacity and gall to ask Ron Paul supporters to throw themselves under the Romney bus.

Just as they accused Barack Obama for blaming all of his problems on George W. Bush, the GOP is taking the same path of blaming others for their own blunders. When Tea Party endorsed running mate Paul Ryan promised fiscal responsibility and no debt ceiling increase, he reneged and voted for it anyway. At least he was as consistent a flip-flopping liar as Romney.

Early on during the debates, Rush Limbaugh mentioned that to win the Presidency, the candidates had to sway the 30% of independent and non-partisan voters. In other words, the majority of  the Tea Party folks. I can't see how they would back Romney/Ryan after the double-crossing Ryan gave them. These are Americans who are not lock stepping with any party agenda. These are the young and educated voters, who know better than to by the propaganda slime of the privately-owned major media.

So who will the Republican Party choose as it's next victim? More relevant is the question, "When will American voters realize that the two party system is an illusion and that it never represents the interests of  the People? Will it happen before the collapse of the USA or will this nation struggle and endure another four years of constitutional deterioration and fiscal irresponsibility?

Will more States nullify the Affordable Patient Protection Act and stand by their own legalization of cannabis in the face of federal threats? Or will they capitulate in fear of losing federal funding for their local law enforcement budgets?

And who will they blame when foreign troops under the United Nations flag begin to deploy on American soil to quash "civil unrest" and maintain order when the people begin to rebel against the tyranny that has become the federal government?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Death of a Nation

What will become of America now that liberty has been taken for the illusion of safety? Many people came out this past Tuesday to support the incumbent even with all the issues that have plagued this Administration and the American People.

A hastily passed health care act that will rob over a half trillion dollars from Medicare, restrict medical services based on accounting rather than need, and force people to purchase health insurance, furthering the demand on the people instead of providing them choice.

An  appointed Attorney General who has side stepped the law and allowed weapons to be sold to criminals in the now infamous Fast and Furious debacle, a man who has ignored immigration law, has refused to come forth with documents regarding the arms sale debacle that resulted in the deaths of countless civilians on both sides of our southern border, in addition to the Border Patrol agent(s) who also were murdered with those same weapons.

We have currently a Defense Secretary who has told Congress that he gets his marching orders from NATO and the United Nations, unconstitutionally by-passing Congress altogether. But he did say that he would inform Congress of actions if it is deemed necessary.

This was never a perfect union and yet it managed to survive and prosper for over 200 years until the foundations of that union began to crumble. There are many places we can point to, but one of the most significant is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Then President Woodrow Wilson admitted that he sold out the nation when he signed that bill into law. Several Presidents since that time expanded the control of the Federal Reserve over the nation’s currency, no doubt to deplete the gold reserves that kept our currency stable.

The promise of ending depressions was short-lived as we all know that the markets crashed in 1929 and many banks failed, leaving the country in a Great Depression, with many homeless and unemployed. It wasn’t until the united States declared war against Japan and finally joined the alliance in Europe fighting Hitler and the Nazis before a sense of recovery began.

Americans seem to have very short term memory when it comes to history. Somehow they allow the same foolish policies to be repeated and they expect better results. History proved time and again that a nation cannot survive purely on borrowing and giving benefits to people who are not productive members of the nation’s society..

When Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the bills that started Social Security, it was by design a Ponzi scheme, one which could never fulfill the promise of a retirement account for the individuals paying into it. The reality is that it is another method of taxation. But the real problems with Social Security began when Lyndon Baines Johnson became President and raided the funds to pay for a war in Vietnam. By doing so, the nation didn’t raise a ruckus over more debt. It was also during his tenure that the Medicare tax was instituted, yet another method of bilking the fruits of one’s labor.

This nation has trusted its elected representatives to protect their interests and they have not only failed to live up to those expectations and promises, but in fact have sold us out in every way imaginable. By taking over so much of the decisions of the individual, the government has become our nanny, telling us what we may or may not do, regardless of the unconstitutional laws, mandate, policies, and regulations it forces upon us.

Americans have grown fat and lazy while the nation has been taken over gradually by corporations. They have succumbed to slavery plain and simple. They would rather do with less that is provided for them, than to strive for more which they can keep for themselves or share with those truly in need.

The basic rights of the individual have been systematically replaced with permissions granted by the government. Public policy has replaced common law and common sense and logic. Look at how many nations that embraced communism, fascism, socialism, totalitarianism, have all failed to sustain them and eventually crumbled. From the mighty Roman Empire to the late U.S.S.R. history demonstrates that only when people remain free and the nation’s government limited can a nation prosper.

Perhaps we can survive another four years. I’m an not so confident that we can. We are on the edge of a precipice and we are not the only nation that faces crisis. We have become morally as well as financially bankrupt. We have become a People divided instead of united.

Perhaps as I have written in past, this great experiment is over and it failed. We will not have long to wait to find out!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Results Are In: America Lost!

And so it came to pass, that the American people believed that the government was better equipped to care for their needs than they could themselves, and so when they were given the opportunity to stand on principles, they instead chose to shirk responsibility and hide behind the illusion of security.

Even after four years of broken promises and shattered dreams, they ignored common sense and logic. The emotional fervor that swept a little known young Senator into the Presidency in 2008 was replaced with an acceptance of fate.

When I first started writing about the elections to come back in 2010, it seemed that the most relevant issue was how the Republican Party was going to respond to the overwhelming support they received from the Tea Party, mostly independent voters who for the most part, were not pleased at all with how the Democratic President and his Congressional majority handled the debt crisis, the health care issue, and the joblessness in America.

A young Congressman, Paul Ryan won his seat on promises of no compromises regarding spending or debt ceiling increases, and yet even after his broken promises to the American taxpayers, he was selected as the running mate for a third-rate GOP nominee.

Even with widespread reports of vote fraud and delegate fraud by the Republican National Committee and many of the state committees, conservative Americans somehow held the belief that they could somehow topple the incumbent President simply by campaigning on negativity.

The American people can be fooled by the people they came to trust. The privately-owned major media was all in President Obama’s corner, never wavering their loyalty to a man who has underhandedly done more to obliterate the Constitution of the United States of America and the rule of law, than any President since Woodrow Wilson. Wilson of course signed the Federal Reserve Act which place the wealth of the American People in the hands of private banks. President Obama has shown himself to be one up on that by selling the wages of children and grandchildren to the banks even before they are born.

I have written many posts in these past two years outlining the danger and I have been ridiculed by some and simply dismissed by others. I have constantly read comments that Romney will beat Obama since he is the lesser of two evils. But when the majority of the People spoke, they were satisfied with the present evil and did not want to change to a man who consistently changed his own platform to suit the current trend.

After the Republican National Convention was over, an early GOP nominee dropout emerged as a third party choice. Gary Johnson became the Libertarian party candidate and began his campaign with Ron Paul’s ideology. His results did not hurt either of the party favorites although there are a few people who think that his support hurt Romney.

The thing that hurt Romney the most is Mitt Romney. He fell further from grace by selecting a running mate who had lied to the American People to get into office and whose budget and spending plans would take 30 years to show any improvement in the government.

Ron Paul supporters were even asked to back Romney after Dr. Paul was shunned by the GOP and pretty much locked out of a speaking role in Tampa. I for one did not feel I could back the man nor the party that exhibited such blatant disregard to ethics and the rule of law.

So now we face another four years of an Administration of secrecy instead of transparency, of legislation from appointed czars and directors instead of Representatives and Senators. It seems evident that America in heading towards its end. Liberty and rights are mocked by this President. He has blatantly shunned the rule of law, placed Americans abroad in grave danger, ruined any chance of an economic recovery in the foreseeable future, has made executive orders his method to take dictatorial control of this nation, while his supporters are praising him.

There are many dictators in history who ruined their countries by taking the same route to destruction as President Obama. And it seems the majority of Americans are either ignorant of history or just choose to ignore it.

Where will we be in four years? Will American be a sovereign nation or part of a global government? 

We will soon know!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Chance of a Lifetime!

History will remember the 2012 United States Election regardless of the outcome. It will either record the greatest defeat of liberty or it will be the greatest restoration of sovereignty known to modern humanity. As the world waits and watches the results, their fate will also be determined by the choice the American voters make.

Some will see this as a challenge between Barack Hussein Obama and Willard Mittington Romney. Others will cast it as a left versus right challenge between Democrats and Republicans. I see it as freedom versus slavery. And then I also see another choice other than the two favorites of the two corrupted political parties.

Gary Johnson dropped out of the GOP race early and became a Libertarian, embracing the same ideology that has been the hallmark of Ron Paul. Dr. Paul was defeated by that corruption and not be the People's refusal to support him. His views of constitutional government, fiscal responsibility, less spending and less taxing all will be proven to be the way to prosperity. History does prove that.

Gary Johnson chose to run as a third party candidate mainly because the two major corrupted parties have locked out everyone else who dared challenge the status quo. In digging through foreign news sources I came up with circumstantial evidence that showed that Ron Paul was the most feared candidate by the left in my post "Obama Issues Kill Order Regarding Ron Paul..." And how Dr. Paul was cheated by the GOP (See: "Tampering in Tampa") by refusing to sit his delegates in state caucuses and in the national convention. Cheating and lying has become the norm for both major parties.

Obama has not produced proof of his citizenship. He has spend millions to cover up his past. His associates and friends are labeled as socialists and radicals. His own words indicate that he wants to change America into a socialist dictatorship, and his actions to bypass Congress through appointed "czars" is more proof than a jury can deny. And yet the privately-owned major media still covers for him as they pretend to give others equal and fair air time.

This nation was founded on basic principles of liberty. It was never a perfect nation, although when we return to those basic principles and hold our elected representatives accountable, it does prosper and provide for the greatest majority of the populace.

Government created the problems that they always promise to fix. Let's start with the most obvious one. Since the installation of the Federal Reserve System, the nation has suffered through more wars and debt than at any time prior. We were the world's richest nation, the most industrially active, and best educated. And that was before there were federal income taxes or Social Security.

As a senior who is rapidly approaching the age where Social Security will be depended upon, I do not feel confident that it will be capable of taking care of my basic needs, even after having paid into it for over forty four years. I would rather have a President and Congress who respect the law and obeys the Constitution. That will mean that all of America will have greater opportunity to prosper and take care of themselves and their communities. Less government is more freedom, and more freedom is less regulation.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Homelessness in America

About 11 years ago, I became homeless when my wife had medical issues that were not being properly treated by her doctors. Bipolar disorder forced me to seek temporary shelter until such a time as my wife emotional state was stabilized. That took over one year of medications and therapy.

I am now homeless again, due to my inability to perform the work required by the employers I have contacted and interviewed with. I am still seeking work but have not had any success at all. Shall I blame the economy or the government? No, the fault lies with all Americans.

The problems of homelessness are issues that affect many both directly and indirectly. Your tax dollars that are used to house criminals are now being used to release prisoners onto the streets or into homeless shelters. This puts additional strain on  the resources that these shelters provide.

I am awaiting a disability hearing next month, and will gladly find a small place when I start receiving benefits. My physical and mental health have been in decline since I have arrived here. Conditions here will never improve to the point that I will feel comfortable in this environment. Now with the announcement that 35 additional inmates will be released into the general population, beds here at the shelter will become scarce.

Fortunately, I do have a bed on a first floor because my condition and surgeon's orders keep me from climbing stairs. I also take the ramps and elevators in public buildings because of the pain associated with lifting my legs and placing bearing weight on them.

For a man that has been so physically active most of my life, this is really a strong blow to me emotionally.  I fight depression on a daily basis, and force myself to do some exercise of my arms and upper body to compensate somewhat for my lack of leg mobility. I have not taken any pain medications yet, but lately it has occurred to me to do so, because it is becoming stressful and keeping me from getting a good night's rest.

I do notice that there is a difference in being homeless now than there was over a decade ago. Perhaps it is due to the depressed economy, but donations are down and hence less is available to those in need. Of course there is some federal government services available, but they are restricted to women with children and families. Here in Oregon, basic medical services are being rationed by lottery. If you are a single male, getting dental and/or vision care is not likely.

I have not had my vision checked in over 15 years and I am also in need of dental work. Unless I get approved for Social Security Disability, I will be stuck in the same place for quite some time.

But I am not sulking and feeling sorry for myself. While there are a number of men here who are quite content on being homeless, many others like myself are looking to better their positions in life and only need a bit of support to get them n their way.

Since being widowed back in 2010, my physical health has deteriorated along with my emotional well being. That has not stopped me from being positive and looking for a few hours work when it is available.  It is my physical condition that prevents me from doing much of the work that I am most qualified to perform.

With all of the promises made by Congress and the President regarding the Affordable Patient Protection Act, none of those promises have had any positive impact in the health care of anyone that I have met and spoken to. I do encourage others to speak out as I do and not let the majority of the public think that everything is okay. It's not!

Perhaps a change in administration will have a positive affect. But so long as the government keeps spending more and more in being the world's police force and offering aid to nations who don't even like us, we will remain in dire straits.

Blessings and thanks to those who read my blog and have made some small donations to support me in what I am doing. I trust that when I do get my benefits, I will be able to do the same for others. There are always those worse off than I am so I will always be charitable, even while I am in need myself. It just seems like the right thing to do.