
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Setting it Straight

I have been following and commenting on a Facebook thread where the topics have gone from guns to economics to government control over more and more of businesses and individuals.

So someone wrote, "The creation of the Fed appears to have restrained this chaos and anarchy..."

The operative word being "appears" and that is part of the illusion. And the price that we as taxpayers must fork over for the privilege of having the Fed draw water from the well, is that they take theirs from the freshest waters. We get what flows downstream.

So this gentleman was defending the Fed to me and it was all I could do to restrain myself. I decided to blog instead. It was not that there is anything wrong with this man, he is probably a good person and it was not anything about him that got me riled. Pure and simple is the ignorance of the Federal Reserve by most people and then to have someone defend the Fed using the chaos of the 1800's to prove it provided stability?

The chaos was caused by the bankers that wanted to create turmoil to get the government control back via a central bank. It is one "flaw" that was left in the Constitution thanks in no small way to Alexander Hamilton, the bankers' most staunch supporter in federal government. Jefferson and Madison both warned of what a central bank would do to America, and based on results he was right.

When the currency of the nation was partially dependent on the agricultural, industrial, and resources of the nation, the dollar was strong. The turmoil as you mention was not about the value of the dollar it was about the scarcity of them. The government would not print more to devalue them and the banks refused to give up what they had to businesses looking to expand, make inventory or payroll, not because the gold standard was bad. So long as there was gold backing your dollar, it had value that was tangible. You produce a few silver dollars at any store and they will take them as legal tender.

You really need to learn the truth about the Federal Reserve and why it was never in this nation's best interests. It was designed from the beginning to suck huge profits out of America, who all knew would be a wealthy nation and they wanted to become wealthy too. That is why so many came here, because the freedom and the opportunity those freedoms provided were dreams to come true for many of our ancestors. But I do not feel guilt or feel that I need to make restitution to any group of people because of what happened in America 150-200 years ago. My ancestors weren't here yet.

I really do not care if you accept what I say or not because I know that if you do get it, it will change your life as it has everyone else that does get it. Sure, there are those that get it but are still not motivated to do anything about it. They forget that the entire Congress is less than 540 in both houses (534) and 300 million people say they cannot do anything about them? Are you serious?

March 4 or 5 million Americans through Capital Hill and see if that doesn't get their attention. But I am sure that the election results are telling.

And by the way, being called a Tea Party'er is a compliment as it indicates one who supports the Constitution of the United States of America and does not agree with the Uniform Commerce Code that usurps the powers reserved to the States and the People. And it does not matter how it is spun or for what purpose is given, short of a declaration of Marshall Law, I see no Constitutional grounds for most of the Patriot Act. In fact I feel the very name is misleading to most Americans who attribute patriotism with obedience to the government.

When the people fear the government you have tyranny, but when the government fears the people you have liberty.

I have already made my choice.

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