
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Kiss Your Children Goodbye, then the Earth; or Wake Up! We Are Under Attack!

True Evil is difficult to comprehend. It wears different hats. It wears costumes of various professions and avocations. It calls itself by different names. The guise of True Evil will be found through the actions on the various fronts of the past, current, and future Geo-Temporal war being waged by the global elite and their puppet Governors (for us the most recent would be, Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro and his followers). Please see:  Is America A Land of Cowards and Slaves

"Last of all comes … the tyrant. … In the early days of his power, he is full of smiles, and he salutes every one whom he meets … making promises in public and also in private, liberating debtors, and distributing land to the people and his followers, and wanting to be so kind and good to every one. … This … is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears above ground he is a protector...he … begins to make a party against the rich. … that they may be impoverished by payment of taxes, and thus compelled to devote themselves to their daily wants and therefore less likely to conspire against him."
--Plato, The Republic

Forget the minor problems of political parties and elections, the minor problems of worthless Federal Reserve Notes, the minor problems of GMOs and food shortages, individual sovereignty, state sovereignty or national sovereignty. Forget the minor problem of an increasing police state. These minor problems will have no impact for anyone if the global elite are not stopped in their tracks.

Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro and his followers are a small group that has been assigned the task of ending the united States of America. This group of narcissistic psychopaths is part of the Global 4% that intends to take over the earth, the ends justify the means, even if it kills everyone. The United Nations, World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in addition to the Member Groups and Organizations of the Round Table Group are the puppet masters. Fix America has published many past articles covering many of the war fronts.

This group of global elite truly believes the bio-population of the world must be reduced by three fourths. They have actively carried out programs of propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, and misdirection as an exercise in control in order to maintain global power for more than the last one hundred years. Their lust for Power and control will end us, all of us. They are sociopathic murders, psychopathic killers, and greedy narcissistic power mongers bent on controlling everyone as has been demonstrated by engineered wars and False Flag Operations. 
Please see:  What Tomorrow Will Bring: A Tirade: Not Que Sera Sera and How to Plant The Seeds of Destruction: or What Did You Say:  Who Owns What and Why?

"The extent to which these geoengineering ‘experiments’ have altered the weather patterns of the world cannot be stated with absolute certainty, but they are intuitively obvious to many.  However, that atmospheric engineering has been regularly and widely conducted is indisputable and, therefore, must be included in any serious discussion on Global Climate Change.  Particularly because geoengineering has been used as a Solar Radiation Management tool is it of the utmost importance to terminate all atmospheric engineering programs before arriving at any conclusions about the true causes of global warming...

Regardless of the direction of the Global Climate Change (GCC) debate, one conclusion can be drawn from the foregoing discussion: Whoever does control the weather, can easily control the world.   It’s clear that the USA, the UK and the other English-speaking countries are acting in concert with their usual European collaborators (aka NATO) to attain full-spectrum dominance.

Full-spectrum dominance is a military entity’s achievement of control over all dimensions of the battlespace, effectively possessing an overwhelming diversity of resources in such areas as terrestrial, subterranean, aerial, maritime, extraterrestrial, psychological, and bio- or cyber-technological warfare.

Full spectrum dominance includes the physical battlespace; air, surface and sub-surface as well as the electromagnetic spectrum and information space. Control implies that freedom of opposition force assets to exploit the battlespace is wholly constrained.

Clearly, both climate engineering and weather modification are integral components of any strategy to attain full-spectrum dominance throughout the earth realm.  Much of the covert experimentation with weather weaponry on the continental US serves to refine both its technique and materiel. Likewise, the decades of under-the-radar testing of various climate warfare modalities have been conducted in the interest of achieving the stated goals found in the 'Report from Iron Mountain'.

Once they have achieved the necessary technological goals to prevail in weather warfare anywhere on the planet, the NWO globalists will feel less constrained to implement the more draconian aspects of their upcoming One World Government.  These include a number of depopulation events employing a deadly combination of mandatory vaccination programs for the young and elderly, as well as a chemtrail-delivered dose of toxic chemicals and viruses from chem-cloud rains for everyone else." 

Excerpt from:  NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources

The current programs, Operation Indigo Skyfold-Phase 1 and Operation Indigo Skyfold-Phase 2, of Climate Engineering, Geo-engineering, Weather Control and Modification, Albedo Enhancement, Carbon Sequestration or whatever they wish to call it this week are taking place and will cause inestimable destruction from which it will be impossible to recover:  look up! 

If you can find the little time it takes to inform yourself on what is taking place, please do so. If you are at all concerned or actually care anything for or about your own children and their lives you really need to watch the following Youtube videos.  

Fix America has published many past articles covering many of the war fronts.
Shocking Proof Positive Evidence of Why They're Spraying Chemtrails
What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain - Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock Reveals Shocking Facts.
Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails-Climate Researcher Dane Wigington on GeoEngineering - HD
Geo Engineering Documentary 2015 (8.5 trillion missing since '96)
Geoengineering and BIOSPHERE COLLAPSE -- Dane Wigington
Dr Lenny Thyme: The Chemistry of Chemtrails (12 Jun 2015)
Secret Chemtrail Pilot Speaks, on Dec 8, 2014

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Clear Message: Freedom

 With all of the turmoil in the world today, and all the saber rattling by the 'favorites' in the Republican party, a voice of reason gets lost in the din. But not last night!

In what many are calling a 'breakout performance', Kentucky Senator Rand Paul demonstrated why he is the right choice to truly make America the nation it was meant to be.

The CNN debate last night, the final debate for Republican candidates of the year, left little doubt that Senator Paul not only belonged on the main stage last night, but that his stance on the limits of government placed on it by the Constitution are both 'necessary and proper' to restore the nation to prosperity and security.

Each and every candidate stood by the war hawk mentality that we have to spend more, bomb more, determine the fate and policies of other nations through military force and presence. It hasn't helped us and it certainly hasn't promoted stability in any place that foreign policy is applied.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said we need to establish and enforce a 'no fly zone' over the airspace(s) of other nations and shoot down Russian warplanes if they dare enter that space. When did we get the authority over airspace of another sovereign nation? That is an invasion and a cause for war.  Russia is welcomed there, regardless of whether or not US foreign policy makers agree or not.

Billionaire megalomaniac Donald Trump wants to prevent Islamic terrorists from being able to recruit through social media by controlling the Internet. In other words, the First Amendment and free speech advocates are 'stupid'.  Only Rand Paul remained steadfast in defending the Constitution against all of his opponents.

Rand Paul stood up against Marco Rubio on NSA spying and issues of immigration 'amnesty', clearly demonstrating the abuse of power under such unconstitutional acts.

Immediately after the debate and continuing on Twitter and other social media, Rand Paul was hailed as the true champion of freedom and the man to really make 'America great again' even by liberals. I read several posts of Democrats who say they will change registration to vote for Rand Paul in the primaries.

The home run was in the closing statements, when Senator Paul said the greatest danger to the United States was the debt. How can we build border security when they nation is borrowing money at the rate of about a million dollars per minute?

It is apparent that Americans will have to choose whether they want more of the same or a restoration of the principles this nation was founded upon. I see the choice of freedom is embodied in electing a President who understands that above all issues, the Constitution is the point from which actions taken must begin. I we erode our freedoms for the illusion of security we will lose both. Benjamin Franklin knew this and so does Rand Paul. His message is clear:  FREEDOM!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Are You An American?

How you identify yourself tells a lot about you. We all like to be a part of a group that stands for something that is important to ourselves, but how many truly stand for what is right?

Are you a Democrat?  Do you believe that government must provide you with basic needs? Do you believe that government must provide for your education, health care, and your personal safety? Do you believe in majority rules? Do you believe the government by legislation must define what a marriage is? Do you believe that government must regulate the food we eat, the air we breathe, the types of arms we may possess, the lands within a State for environmental causes?

Are you a Republican? Do you believe that marijuana must remain prohibited by law? Do you believe a strong military presence around the world is in the interests of national security? Do you support the Patriot Act, NDAA, and feel the NSA spying is a necessary infringement for the sake of national security? Do you believe that immigration can be regulated based on religious beliefs? Do you believe that the federal government and the laws enacted by Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court are valid? Do you believe that lowering income taxes for the employed and for corporations will stimulate the economy and create jobs? Do you believe that the currency of the United States must be controlled by a central bank?

If you answer yes to any of the questions above, you are NOT an American. You may live in America, but unless you stand for the Sovereignty of the Individual, the State as a free nation, and the federal system of governance as a limited body politic, you are NOT an American.

We are constantly being bombarded with left-right, conservative-liberal, and yes, Democrat-Republican, as our choices. Chosen by whom? I did not choose any of these labels for myself. I chose to make my own decisions, based on my knowledge and understanding of freedom and the limitation of governance prerequisite in a free society.

So often are we compared to the nations in Europe, our clinging to guns, where most 'civil societies' have banned guns. The latest attacks in Paris demonstrate how dangerous it is for the People to be unarmed and defenseless. How can we call ourselves civilized when we have such mass shootings and gun violence in America?

First, the places where there is so much gun violence are places where the public are restricted by force of law from keeping and bearing arms. And second, gun free zones are the sites of the mass shootings, again where the public is defenseless and only the criminals are armed.

"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State" does not mean a police force nor a military presence. It refers to We the People, you and me, as we are the militia and duty-bound to enforce the laws pursuant to the Constitution of the United States. "... the right of  the People to keep and bear arms shall be infringed." Simply stated, all gun laws infringe on the right of the People, therefore ALL gun laws are unconstitutional.

In the wake of the attack on defenseless individuals by radical Islamic terrorists, the person who has the audacity to call himself President, instead of standing up as an American (some think he is not) he hopes that you will be in such a state of fear that you will clamor and demand stricter gun control. But that is a topic for another day.

Reference Links:

One More Time:  Gun Laws in America

The Second Amendment:  Meaning And Purpose

Is American a Land of Cowards and Slaves?

The Rise of the Citizens Militia: The Defenders of the Republic

Planned Paranoia:  The Fear of Firearms

Friday, November 27, 2015

Trump is a Pathological Narcissist

The Esteemed Readers of Fix America may recall the post, The Hope For America: Know Yourself and Set Yourself Free in which world-renown psychiatrist Samuel Vaknin claims that Barack Obama is a pathological narcissist and a dangerous person. 

Recently, in an article written by Richard Larsen for the Conservative Daily News, Donald Trump is compared to the narcissistic Barack Obama, and in some cases, surpasses Obama in his arrogance and demeaning of those who dare disagree with him. The following is an excerpt from that article.

"And now we have the bombastic, egocentric real estate mogul from New York mirroring the self-absorption seemingly endemic with our 44th president. And he’s already setting some records with his self-congratulatory rhetoric.

“I’m really rich.” “I’m proud of my net worth.” “I’ve done an amazing job.” “I’m really proud of my success. I really am.” “I’m not doing that to brag because you know what? I don’t have to brag.” But he just can’t seem to help himself! And so Donald Trump self-adulated himself 257 times in his 45 minute presidential bid announcement speech last month. That even exceeded Obama’s 208 self-laudatory references in his 22 minute, 2007 presidential announcement. That’s pretty impressive when you can out-“narcissize” the Narcissist In Chief!

But aside from his egocentrism, the most glaring verity related to Trump’s presidential bid is that he doesn’t belong on the Republican ticket. He clearly is not a conservative, and probably aligns ideologically much more with Bernie Sanders than he does with any of the other 15 candidates on the Republican ticket.

Over the years, Trump has been a proponent for single-payer government funded healthcare, a socialistic step to the left of Obamacare. He’s been a supporter of abortion, has advocated an assault weapons ban, and has even floated the idea of forcing the rich to forfeit 14% of their total wealth to reduce the federal debt.

He has donated heavily to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s campaigns, and to the Clinton Foundation. And when he married his third wife in 2005, Bill and Hillary were on his guest list. And his financial support for Democrat House and Senate candidates has far eclipsed what he’s donated on GOP candidates.
According to public campaign disclosures, 21 of Trump’s 30 political donations have gone to liberal Democrats and political action committees. Only seven went to Republicans, and two went to Charlie Crist, who, like Trump, doesn’t seem to know which party he belongs to.

And in 2008, he sounded just like every other progressive in the nation, bemoaning George W. Bush’s presidency, when Trump alleged, “He was so incompetent, so bad, so evil.” Trump went on to call Bush “maybe the worst president in the history of this country.”"

Since Fix America first published in 2008, we have done so without partisanship, merely reporting and opining on the individual and not the political party they associate with. Ideologically, we have maintained a stance of constitutional and limited governance, regardless of the views of the candidates and those in office or appointed to positions of authority.

Monday, October 26, 2015

You Are Handed a Menu: Choose Whatever You Want From Column A or Column B, And Then A Side Dish

Let us face the facts, if we listen to today's truthful Democrats, Hillary is a Goddess as clean as the driven snow. Honest beyond comprehension, truthful to the point of pain, transparent as the surface of a soap bubble, knowledgeable beyond any ancient sage, incapable of any wrongdoing, adhering at all times to laws and rules, etc. are just a small sample of the things that could be said. If we listen to today's truthful Republicans, Hillary stands at the side of Lucifer Himself: a true henchman capable of anything that will further the world song of discord and ingratiate herself to the voting public. 

Hillary Clinton Exposed, Movie She Banned From Theaters Full Movie

Although these facts are at best questionable, what can be said with historical certainty is that the Republicans and Democrats all work for the same corporation: The UNITED STATES Inc. Financial;  International Monetary Fund-Federal Reserve System-Internal Revenue Service, Political;  Republicans-Democrats-anyone who supports the Structure in Place, Armed Forces;  NAVY-ARMY-AIR FORCE-MARINES-SPECIAL FORCES-any FORCE in Place to support the agenda of the UNITED STATES Inc., Judicial;  US Supreme Court-STATE Supreme Courts-STATE Courts-County Courts-City Ordinance Policy Boards-all Courts that adhere to a mixture of Admiralty Law and Roman Civil Law or Statutes-Codes-Ordinances-or anything else they wish to create-anything but the System of Common Law which is the only system that is Constitutionally authorized, Education;  whatever text or course content, true or not, that supports the endeavors of the corporation.

It really does not matter who becomes the president or assumes any other public or appointed office: the structure underneath is corrupt and rotten to the core. The structure of the corporate UNITED STATES was designed by and is run and supported by foreign interests. The list of masters is as long as what is being considered. The United Nations, The World Court, World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, The Trilateral Commission, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, The Club of Rome, The Committee of 300, Pharmaceutical industries, Military Industrial Complex, Agri-business, Petrochemical Industry, 

The UNITED STATES is not a nation of LAWS it is a nation of Administrative Public Policy Statutes, US Codes, Uniform Commercial Codes, and anything else they wish to create like Oppositional Defiance Disorder, which will be considered a legally committable condition. Americans: disarm them and round them up and put them in asylums for suffering from fictitious mental disorders, after all, we can't have mentally deranged people who have opinions running around with guns. You might just remember Operation Jade Helm and it's operational objective.

"SEPTEMBER 12, 2014

Wikimedia Commons

This article will make you angry. The US Government is actively seeking those who criticize government, specifically Barack Obama, and arresting them without charging them. They are remanded to mental health institutions where they are given “training” on how to view the world.

Remind you of a little book that George Orwell wrote?
It gets worse.

Most of the victims of the government’s kidnapping scheme are veterans.

From The Rutherford Institute:

In the four years since the start of Operation Vigilant Eagle, the government has steadily ramped up its campaign to “silence” dissidents, especially those with military backgrounds. Coupled with the DHS’ dual reports on Rightwing and Leftwing “Extremism,” which broadly define extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely,” these tactics have boded ill for anyone seen as opposing the government.

One particularly troubling mental health label being applied to veterans and others who challenge the status quo is “oppositional defiance disorder” (ODD). As journalist Anthony Martin explains, an ODD diagnosis

denotes that the person exhibits ‘symptoms’ such as the questioning of authority, the refusal to follow directions, stubbornness, the unwillingness to go along with the crowd, and the practice of disobeying or ignoring orders. Persons may also receive such a label if they are considered free thinkers, nonconformists, or individuals who are suspicious of large, centralized government… At one time the accepted protocol among mental health professionals was to reserve the diagnosis of oppositional defiance disorder for children or adolescents who exhibited uncontrollable defiance toward their parents and teachers.

The case of 26-year-old decorated Marine Brandon Raub—who was targeted because of his Facebook posts, interrogated by government agents about his views on government corruption, arrested with no warning, labeled mentally ill for subscribing to so-called “conspiratorial” views about the government, detained against his will in a psych ward for standing by his views, and isolated from his family, friends and attorneys—is a prime example of the government’s war on veterans.

Raub’s case exposes the seedy underbelly of a governmental system that is targeting Americans—especially military veterans—for expressing their discontent over America’s rapid transition to a police state.

Here is a news story by RT (Russian Times) about Brandon Raub. Apparently the corporate media in the United States won’t tell his story:


To underscore how big this story truly is, John Whitehead 
of the Rutherford Institute is the lead attorney defending 
the innocent victims targeted by the Obama Thought Police. 
Whitehead is quite famous for his defense of the Bill of 
Rights for the past several decades.

This is big. 
Obama wants everybody to think like a brain-dead zombie while he transforms America into Orwell’s 1984. 
Wake up." 


These things and many, many more are only the tip of the iceberg that will forever sink the Ship of America.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fighting Extremism: The Strong Cities Network, or Fundamentally Changed America: More Changes Are Necessary, or Mindless Americans Need No Sovereignty: Soetoro/Obama Knows Best

Many of Fix America's Esteemed Readers may only dimly remember the anomalous situations involved in the Ruby Ridge Massacre; or the anomalous situations involved in The Branch Davidian Massacre; or the anomalous situations involved in the Oklahoma City Bombing, or the anomalous situations involved in The World Trade Center Attack, or the anomalous situations involved in the Attack on the Pentagon, or the anomalous situations involved in the Sandy Hook Massacre, or the anomalous situations involved in The Boston Marathon Bombing, and other questionable events.

The Ruby Ridge Massacre and The Branch Davidian Massacre were, for no apparent reason, both out and out murder. When The FBI released the final report regarding the New Town Massacre, the official finding revealed no people were killed, murdered, or wounded. In other incidents people supposedly killed at earlier events were photographed at later events. People with arms or legs blown off in one event were mysteriously photographed earlier in life with the same missing limbs. This is not to say or imply that people were not killed: they were. 

Many people were investigating High Government Officials and their involvement in illegal financial transactions involving hundreds of Billions of dollars at the World Trade Center Attack, The collapse of Building 7, and The Attack on The Pentagon: they all died and most of the records were destroyed. Many of the preceding and following events were False Flag Operations and Psychological Operations that were and are being carried out against the American People.

Other questionable events that at best were based on poor or bad judgement like; Operation Fast and Furious, the 911 Benghazi Attack, Osama Bin Laden execution and the death of Seal team Six, the Arming of various Foreign Rebels (Al Qaeda, Al Nusra), and providing fighting transportation for ISIS are more examples of actions that have caused the death of Americans and in some cases will continue to cause Americans their Lives.

All of these events have been carried out by extremists who have murdered or killed countless thousands and care not at all about the American People, their inalienable rights, or their Rights under the Original Constitution. The Federal Government has already converted Americans' enumerated inalienable rights under the original Constitution of thirteen Amendments into Civil Rights, a privilege, of US Citizens under the Corporate Constitution of twenty-seven Amendments. Since the takeover of our Nation, all of the enumerated rights have been violated or abrogated.

The intention of those in charge is to destroy America and everything it represents, and replace it with a subservient Empire based on the fraud of the Democracy being forced on other countries and a central banking system based on fiat currency. They intend to end any authority the Sovereign States may possess and the Sovereignty of the American People replacing everything with ten regions governed by appointees answerable only to the ruler of the nation, a Tyrant.

The now completed (?) Operation Jade Helm had several sub-operations. One of the major objectives was to carry out the exercise of rounding up people who speak out against various policies, acts, resolutions, laws, regulations, and a host of administrative public policies, but most of all anyone speaking out against the leaders of the bloated and corrupt Corporate Federal Government and pack them into rail cars heading for FEMA relocation Centers. Or could it be possible that the intent of Operation Jade Helm was to move everything into position for some future use or event?

The person occupying the White House promised so many things:  prosperity, transparency, and dozens of other wonderful sounding things of progress and change. Instead of those things the Fraud Soetoro/Obama illegally authored more than two hundred Executive Orders, most notably Executive Order 13603. Under that EO No American owns anything:  there are no exceptions, the government owns everything;  cars, houses, land, food, animals, the clothes on your back, and you, who will be relocated to work without pay in labor camps. And the NDRP government isn't any form of government you will recognize. Read the NDRP.

Please do not believe me:  do your own homework dig as deep as you can and find the truth for yourself.

After all is said and done, just who are revealed to be the extremists, the turncoats, the traitors to America?  Americans?  How can that be possible?  The United States Federal Government has Formally declared that all Americans are Terrorists and Enemies of the State. And now, we have this latest affront to Americans. Read on and be aware.


Alert! U.N. Military Invading America with Obama’s Blessing!
OCTOBER 6, 2015 ~ AMP1776

Every American should be infuriated!  Thanks to Pamela Geller at D.C. Clothesline, as well as other sources, we learned that the Obama administration is allowing the Sharia Law compliant United Nations to start establishing a presence in American cities with a Global Police Force, ostensibly to fight extremism, called the Strong Cities Network.

First of all, our cites already have police forces.  Also, the American people are very well armed.  American civilians have more arms than the rest of the world combined.  There is nothing that the U.N. has to offer us that we don’t already do better.  The level of unconstitutionality this reaches is beyond belief.  The Constitution does not enumerate any authority to the federal government to police Americans, let alone bring in foreign militaries to do it.  It doesn’t matter what false premise the Obama Administration uses to justify it.  There is no justification that passes Constitutional muster.

Even if policing were not the plan for the U.N. Global Police Force, allowing any foreign military presence to base itself on American soil would require a treaty.  The U.N. does not hold any authority over the United States of America on our soil. 

According to Article 6, The Constitution and any treaties made under the authority of the United States are the highest law in the land.  The only way this could pass a constitutional smell test would be for a treaty to be made with other nations, agreeing to this police force.  But we know there is no such treaty, because Obama doesn’t make treaties, he makes unconstitutional DEALS, aka Executive Agreements, as he did with the Iran Nuke Deal.  Making a treaty requires 2/3 of the Senate to Consent.  Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, while describing the powers enumerated to the President says, “He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.”  When did 2/3 of the Senate concur with quartering foreign soldiers on American soil?

This is treason.  This president has gone so far rogue that any other man in his position would have been impeached long ago.  Everyone in Congress is either afraid to do anything about it, quite simply because they don’t want to be part of taking down the first black president, or they are complicit and traitors themselves.

I urge everyone to contact your congressmen, both your representatives in the House and your two Senators and demand this be stopped!  This cannot happen!  We can’t just roll over and allow our country to be invaded by a foreign army while our treasonous President Obama and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, laugh about it.  Nothing that this administration has done so far, no matter how vile, evil, treacherous, or treasonous should scare you more than this.  The Iran Nuke Deal was chump change compared to this, but it set the unconstitutional precedent for Executive Agreements to take the place of treaties, so that this could happen.  Call your Congressmen!  Write to your Congressmen.  Do the same with your governors, state legislators, mayors, sheriffs and police chiefs.  Contact everyone.  Make them all aware and put a stop to this.  This isn’t a matter of drawing a line in the sand.  There can be no line in the sand, because these foreign warriors can’t be allowed to even step foot on our sand.  The line has to be drawn in the ocean.

Giving credit where it is very much due and very much appreciated, I am posting the text for the Department of Justice Release below, copied from the D.C. Clothesline link from Pamela Geller.  We owe Ms. Gellar a deep debt of gratitude for staying on top of these things!  Please visit her site for more details on the story itself.  My post is less about the details, which are already available, and more for the purpose of explaining its unconstitutionality and garner a call to action!  Spread this and share it EVERYWHERE!

Also, remember that it is your responsibility to protect yourself.  Police are never there when you need them.  Some police it seems will be here even though we DON’T need them.  Embrace your right as an American to keep and bear arms.  If you do not own a gun, buy one.  If you do own a gun, buy another.  Join classes for various types of gun training, such as safety and self defense.  
It’s fun for the whole family!

AMP (Anna Maria Perez)

DOJ Release:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Department of Justice, 28, 2015 (thanks to Debra)

Launch of Strong Cities Network to Strengthen Community Resilience Against Violent Extremism

Cities are vital partners in international efforts to build social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism.  Local communities and authorities are the most credible and persuasive voices to challenge violent extremism in all of its forms and manifestations in their local contexts.  While many cities and local authorities are developing innovative responses to address this challenge, no systematic efforts are in place to share experiences, pool resources and build a community of cities to inspire local action on a global scale.

“The Strong Cities Network will serve as a vital tool to strengthen capacity-building and improve collaboration,” said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch.  “As we continue to counter a range of domestic and global terror threats, this innovative platform will enable cities to learn from one another, to develop best practices and to build social cohesion and community resilience here at home and around the world.”

The Strong Cities Network (SCN)  – which launches September 29th at the United Nations – will empower municipal bodies to fill this gap while working with civil society and safeguarding the rights of local citizens and communities.

The SCN will strengthen strategic planning and practices to address violent extremism in all its forms by fostering collaboration among cities, municipalities and other sub-national authorities.

“To counter violent extremism we need determined action at all levels of governance,” said Governing Mayor Stian Berger Røsland of Oslo while commenting on their participation in the SCN.  “To succeed, we must coordinate our efforts and cooperate across borders.  The Strong Cities Network will enable cities across the globe pool our resources, knowledge and best practices together and thus leave us standing stronger in the fight against one of the greatest threats to modern society.”

The SCN will connect cities, city-level practitioners and the communities they represent through a series of workshops, trainings and sustained city partnerships.  Network participants will also contribute to and benefit from an online repository of municipal-level good practices and web-based training modules and will be eligible for grants supporting innovative, local initiatives and strategies that will contribute to building social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism.

The SCN will include an International Steering Committee of approximately 25 cities and other sub-national entities from different regions that will provide the SCN with its strategic direction.  The SCN will also convene an International Advisory Board, which includes representatives from relevant city-focused networks, to help ensure SCN builds upon their work.  It will be run by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a leading international “think-and-do” tank with a long-standing track record of working to prevent violent extremism:

The SCN provides a unique new opportunity to apply our collective lessons in preventing violent extremism in support of local communities and authorities around the world”, said CEO Sasha Havlicek of ISD.  “We look forward to developing this international platform for joint innovation to impact this pressing challenge.”

“It is with great conviction that Montréal has agreed to join the Strong Cities Network founders,” said the Honorable Mayor Denis Coderre of Montreal.  “This global network is designed to build on community-based approaches to address violent extremism, promote openness and vigilance and expand upon local initiatives like Montréal’s Mayors’ International Observatory on Living Together.  I am delighted that through the Strong Cities Network, the City of Montréal will more actively share information and best practices with a global network of leaders on critical issues facing our communities.”

The Strong Cities Network will launch on Sept. 29, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. EDT, following the Leaders’ Summit on Countering ISIL and Violent Extremism.  Welcoming remarks will be offered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein and Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City, who will also introduce a Keynote address by U.S. Attorney General Lynch.  Following this event, the Strong Cities International Steering Committee, consisting of approximately 25 mayors and other leaders from cities and other sub-national entities from around the globe, will hold its inaugural meeting on Sept. 30, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT."


 Home of the Ignorant, Or Land of the Destitute

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Farce of Debate: Rand Paul Shines and Nobody Notices

I was so disappointed in the way the debate was handled, I really could not sleep last night. I tossed and turned thinking about how badly Rand Paul was treated, not just by Donald Trump, which is somewhat expected by now from the bully billionaire, but from the CNN panel of moderators who only allowed him to speak when his name was mentioned by the other nominees.

Pompous platitudes and innuendos abounded, while Dr. Paul was given the obligatory opportunity to defend himself slightly. It appeared that Trump at center stage was in complete control of the panel. 

I finally dragged myself out of bed at 11:00 AM to have some coffee, and ran across the following article, which perked me up a bit.

I present it in its entirety to the Esteemed Readers of this blog for their assessment.

"Donald Trump does not like Rand Paul.

In the weirdest non sequitur of a often-incoherent second Republican presidential debate, the billionaire front-runner for the party nomination declared, “Rand Paul shouldn’t even be on this stage. He’s number 11. He’s got 1 percent in the polls. There’s too many people onstage already.”

As he has been on so many points, Trump was entirely wrong on this one.

Paul distinguished himself with coherent questioning of mass incarceration, calls for criminal-justice reform, and aggressive referencing of the injustices that extend from a failed drug war. The senator from Kentucky had one of the best moments of the debate when, during a back-and-forth over Jeb Bush’s youthful inhaling of marijuana, Paul put things into perspective for the former Florida governor: “Kids who have privilege like you do don’t go to jail. But the poor kids in the inner city still go to jail.”

And when the debate turned to foreign policy, Paul made more sense than the rest of the runners combined.

“I’ve made my career as an opponent of the Iraq War,” declared the senator, who reminded the crowd that “The Iraq War backfired and did not help us.”

“I’m not sending our sons and our daughters back to Iraq.” —Rand Paul
Those lines did not earn Paul a lot of applause Wednesday night. This Grand Old Party does not well remember—nor respect—the wisdom of Dwight Eisenhower’s warnings about a military-industrial complex or the example of “old-right” Republicans who opposed military adventurism.

But Paul displayed a steady awareness of that history. His great contribution to the debate was to offer an alternative to the bombast and bluster that came Wednesday night from many of the other contenders—and that, frankly, comes on a regular basis from prominent figures who position themselves across the political spectrum.

The senator warned, “”If you want boots on the ground, and you want them to be our sons and daughters, you’ve got 14 other choices. There will always be a Bush or Clinton for you if you want to go back to war in Iraq.”

While others spoke of putting boots back on the ground in the Middle East, he dissented, saying, “The first war was a mistake and I am not sending our sons and daughters back to Iraq.”

Paul’s dissents extended beyond objections regarding the Iraq imbroglio—as was appropriate during the course of a debate that produced plenty of objectionable statements from the crowd of Republican front runners and pretenders.

Early in the evening, several of the contenders were stumbling over one another in express their readiness to rip up the Iran nuclear agreement, with Senator Ted Cruz trumping them all by promising, “If I am elected president, on the very first day in office, I will rip to shreds this catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal.”

A few minutes later, in a break from what New Jersey Governor Chris Christie referred to as “this childish back-and-forth” with Trump and Fiorina over who was the worse CEO, Fiorina said there would be no back-and-forth with the president of Russia. “Having met Vladimir Putin, I wouldn’t talk to him at all,” she announced. “We’ve talked way too much to him.”

This is where Paul really stepped up.

Noting the location—the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California—Paul said with regard to the “wouldn’t talk to him” line: “Well, think if Reagan had said that during the Cold War? We continued to talk with the Russians throughout the Cold War which [was a] much more significant [challenge than] where we are now.”

Paul continued:

Should we continue to talk with Iran? Yes. Should we cut up the [Iran nuclear] agreement immediately? That’s absurd. Wouldn’t you want to know if they complied? Now, I’m going to vote against the agreement because I don’t think there’s significant leverage, but it doesn’t mean that I would immediately not look at the agreement, and cut it up without looking to see if whether or not Iran has complied.

The same goes with China. I don’t think we need to be rash, I don’t think we need to be reckless, and I think we need to leave lines of communication open. Often we talk about whether we should be engaged in the world, or disengaged in the world, and I think this is an example of some who want to isolate us, actually, and not be engaged.

We do need to be engaged with Russia. It doesn’t mean we give them a free pass, or China a free pass, but, to be engaged, to continue to talk. We did throughout the Cold War, and it would be a big mistake not to do it here.

There was a similar moment when the question of intervention in Syria arose.

The Kentuckian said:

I think this gets to the point of wisdom on when to intervene and when we shouldn’t. Had we bombed Assad at the time, like President Obama wanted, and like Hillary Clinton wanted and many Republicans wanted, I think ISIS would be in Damascus today. I think ISIS would be in charge of Syria had we bombed Assad.

Sometimes both sides of the civil war are evil, and sometimes intervention sometimes makes us less safe. This is real the debate we have to have in the Middle East.

Every time we have toppled a secular dictator, we have gotten chaos, the rise of radical Islam, and we’re more at risk. So, I think we need to think before we act, and know most interventions, if not a lot of them in the Middle East, have actually backfired on us.

There are plenty of issues on which Rand Paul is wrong. He is not so steadily anti-war as his father, former congressman and 2012 presidential contender Ron Paul, or as “old-right” Republicans like North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones Jr.

There are plenty of things that Paul has said and done that merit skepticism, and opposition.

But the senator—and his dissenting views with regard to foreign policy—belonged on the main stage Wednesday night. Indeed, it was Rand Paul, not Donald Trump, who made Wednesday night’s gathering of Republican presidential contenders a debate. "

Thanks to John Nichols, The Nation’s Washington correspondent.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

U.S. Federal Government Tracking Adults for Health

The Esteemed Readers following this issue may care to learn of the Federal Governments effort to track adults who have not obtained recommended vaccinations. 

Vaccines poorly prepared with unknown contents can cause various permanent conditions to occur. Vaccines improperly prepared with live organisms infect healthy individuals with the diseases they are meant to prevent. 

Proper vaccines are prepared with dead organisms that are recognizable by the immune system. The immune system learns to fight diseases by recognizing the organism. 

← Has the global geopolitical chessboard been set up for World War III?
U.S. Federal Government To Track Adult Vaccination Compliance

Posted on August 26, 2015 by State of the Nation

Adults Targeted as Federal Government Prepares to Track the Unvaccinated

By Theresa Wrangham, NVIC Executive Director

During the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) February meeting, American adults were put on notice by Big Brother that non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations will not be tolerated. Public health officials have unveiled a new plan to launch a massive nationwide vaccination promotion campaign involving private business and non-profit organizations to pressure all adults to comply with the adult vaccination schedule approved by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). (1)

NVAC has authored the National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) and, once finalized, the plan will be turned over to the Interagency Adult Immunization Task Force (AIFT) to create an implementation plan. Notably, this task force is composed of “vested interest” stakeholders and no consumer representation for those groups concerned with vaccine safety and informed consent.

NVIC has submitted our public comments and recommendations for the NVAC’s draft National Adult Immunization Plan. (2) Your opportunity to submit your comments and concerns about this plan has been extended to March 23rd. We encourage all of our readers to participate in the public comment process and submit comments to the NVAC on the NAIP. Please forward this article to family and friends and encourage them to submit public comments, too.

What you need to know – the nutshell.

The basis of the NAIP rests on Healthy People 2020 Goals, (3) many of which are arbitrary. (4) The key fact the plan seems to lose sight of in using these goals as its foundation is …THEY ARE GOALS. These goals have no legal authority over your healthcare decisions and are being used by government officials to shape public health policy, which in turn is spurring legal mandates to force you to comply with them. (5)

The adult immunization plan also “incentivizes” doctors and other vaccine providers to convert patient data into Electronic Health Record (EHR) formats that can then be shared across state and federal electronic databases to track national vaccine coverage rates and also track and identify who is and is not vaccinated. Many states already have electronic vaccine tracking registries (Immunization Information Systems – IIS) in place, but do not share this information due to laws preventing the sharing of personal medical information and/or limited vaccination data on adults. This is where financial and other types of incentives come in to convince vaccine providers and state legislators to participate in the gathering of this private medical information on all adults.

Big Government is Partnering with Your Employer, Community & Religious Organizations

The NAIP states that it will take more than providers raising awareness about the adult schedule and encouraging compliance to meet Healthy People 2020 goals. So the NAIP contains objectives that foster partnerships with your employer and your community and religious organizations to make you and all adults get every federally recommended vaccine according to the government-approved schedule.

The NAIP makes it clear that in the future, all American adults will be informed of the recommended adult schedule at every possible opportunity outside the healthcare provider domain. You will be encouraged to comply with the adult schedule not only by your healthcare provider, but also via community-based partnerships to ensure that you have the opportunity to roll up your sleeve at work, school, church and other community gatherings.

NVIC has always supported awareness and access to preventative healthcare options, including access to vaccines for everyone who wants to use them. However, there is a difference between awareness, access, recommendations and mandates. In the past, these types of government vaccine use plans do not just seek to increase awareness and access but also make recommendations that foster vaccine mandates without flexible medical, religious and conscientious belief exemptions that  align with the informed consent ethic.

Tracking Vaccination Status Raises Privacy Concerns

Adults should examine this plan carefully because the U.S. Constitution guarantees American citizens the right to privacy. (6) In that context, it is important to understand that the NAIP objectives include electronically harnessing your personal medical information and that of all adults for the purpose of increasing adult vaccine uptake in the U.S. by tracking your vaccination status, with little regard for your privacy. (7)

There is no language in the plan that provides for consumer privacy protections. This is a glaring omission given the acknowledged and known risks for patient data being hacked (security breaches) by malicious outside entities. (8) The plan does not include provisions for raising consumer awareness of their ability to opt out of electronic tracking and patient data sharing schemes. (9) (10)

Closing Vaccine Safety Research Gaps Not Included in Plan

While the NAIP also supports increased reporting to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and ongoing analysis of claims submitted to the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), it is hollow support. For this to be meaningful, stronger language is needed to support closing vaccine safety research gaps highlighted by the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) series of vaccine safety reports (11) to lessen the number of VICP off-the-table compensation claims.

These off-the-table claims are a direct result of the continued expansion of the numbers of government recommended adult (and childhood) vaccines without the accompanying identification of vaccine side effects and injury outcomes to expand the federal Vaccine Injury Table (VIT) that governs the awarding of vaccine injury compensation. Off-the-table adult vaccine injury claims now represent the majority of claims (12) filed with the VICP and the compensation process has become  highly adversarial and costly.

As NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher stated at the U.S. Health Freedom Congress last year when pointing out that responses to vaccines and infectious diseases are individual:

“We do not all respond the same way to infectious diseases (13) and we do not all respond the same way to pharmaceutical products like vaccines. (14) (15) (16) (17) Public health laws that fail to respect biodiversity and force everyone to be treated the same are unethical and dangerous.”
The NAIP fails to acknowledge these facts.

Compliance at the Expense of Bodily Autonomy

Vaccine mandates are made at a state level and the NAIP is a federal vaccine use promotion plan that is has no legal authority to turn government vaccine use recommendations into vaccine use mandates.

However, much like the recommendations made by NVAC a few years ago for healthcare workers to receive annual flu shots,(18) these recommendations are likely to result in future de facto vaccine mandates for adults, whether through employer requirements, (19) or actual state laws. Given the introduction of legislation (20) this year in many states to remove non-medical vaccine exemptions and restrict medical exemptions for school age children in an effort to force parents to comply with the CDC’srecommended childhood vaccine schedule, there is little doubt that that the NVAC’s latest plan will result in similar actions to force adults to use all federally recommended vaccines.

One only has to read stories posted NVIC’s Cry For Vaccine Freedom Wallby healthcare workers who have refused flu shots and are being fired from their jobs to understand the threat posed by the NAIP. Is your profession next? The short answer is yes.

Make no mistake about this plan’s intent, if “awareness” efforts and “incentivization” of vaccine policy do not increase adult vaccine uptake, the partnering with your employer and other community groups is meant to lower the hammer and force you to comply. The electronic tracking systems that are enthusiastically being embraced by not only the federal government but also state governments and employers, without regard for your privacy, will be used to identify noncompliers.

Informed Consent Freedom at Risk

If you haven’t read Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ book Dissolving Illusions,21 you may not realize that history is about to repeat itself. Government enforced vaccination through identification and door-to-door efforts to make everyone comply, like was seen with smallpox vaccination campaigns a century ago, is a real possibility again in America. Only this time it won’t just be about one vaccine – it will be about a lot of vaccines you will be forced to get.

The noose being tightened around the necks of our children is being thrown over the necks of adults as well. The tightening of that noose is growing daily in an attempt to strangle vaccine freedom of choice by eradicating the ethical principle of informed consent.

Adults and their children are being asked to accept a one-size-fits-all vaccine schedule that does not allow for the ability to delay or decline one or more vaccines for religious and conscientious beliefs. This is very dangerous when the medical exemption has been narrowed by government so that almost no health condition qualifies for a medical exemption anymore. Families already personally impacted by vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths will be faced with more loss, including their financial stability if they are forced to be revaccinated.

The human right to protect bodily integrity and autonomy – the core value of the informed consent ethic – is at stake.

This battle is not about an anti- or pro- vaccine position. It is a battle over freedom, values and beliefs.22 What is at risk is your ability as a parent and individual to decide what medical risks you are willing to accept and vaccination is the forefront of this battle.

For over three decades NVIC has supported informed consent protections in all U.S. vaccine laws and policies, which means that parents and individuals must receive full and accurate information on vaccine risks and benefits and retain the right to make voluntary decisions to accept, delay or decline one or more vaccines without being sanctioned for they decision they make.

NVIC Vaccine Freedom Rally

What You Can Do Today – Get Involved!

Your rights are being eroded and vaccine exemptions are under aggressive attack in many states. NVIC will continue to advocate for your freedom as we have done for over 30 years, but this battle will not be won without your voice and action.

Submit your comments on the NAIP by March 23rd to the National Vaccine Advisory Committee and forward this article to your friends and family.(NVIC NOTE 3/20/15:  We have become aware that the NVAC’s representative assigned to receive your comments email account is autoresponding that she is out of the office until the 25th. NVIC has contacted the National Vaccine Program Office and has been assured that comments sent by the 23rd are being collected and forwarded to the NVAC for their consideration. Please ignore the autoresponder – your comments are getting through and will be a part of the record. Many thanks to everyone for making us aware of this situation and for sending in comments on the NAIP! Keep sending in those comments!)

Most importantly, register and encourage others to register on NVIC’s Advocacy Portal today and join with other concerned Americans to protect informed consent rights. This resource is free and will keep you informed on legislative actions underway in your state, provide guidance on what action to take, and connect you with your legislators.

There is no time to waste. Please do not wait for someone else to do this…that someone is you and you can make a difference!


(1) CDC. Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule. Feb. 3, 2015.

(2) NVAC. Draft National Adult Immunization Plan. Feb. 5, 2014.

(3) Healthy Immunization and Infections Diseases.

(4) A Perspective on the Development of the Healthy People 2020 Framework for Improving U.S. Population Health. Public Health Reviews. Vol. 35, No 1. 2013.

(5) CDC. Vaccines and Immunizations. State Immunization Laws for Healthcare Workers and Patients. Nov. 19, 2014.

(6) Cornell University Law School. U.S. Constitution – First Amendment Table of Contents, Invasion of Privacy.

(7) TEDxTraverseCity 2014. Designing Technology to Restore Privacy. Deborah C. Peel, MD.
(8) Fourth Annual Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy & Data Security, Ponemon Institute, Mar 2014.

(9) Health information exchanges introduce patient consent questions. K. Terry. Medical Economics. Jul. 8, 2014.

(10) CDC Immunization Services Division Presentation on IIS & Health People 2020 Goals to the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, Sep. 2013.

(11) National Vaccine Advisory Committee – White Paper on U.S. Vaccine Safety System. Sep. 2011.

(12) Report from the Department of Justice. Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) Certified Minutes. Pg 8. Sep. 2014.

(13) Hill AVS. Genetics and Genomics of Infectious Disease Susceptibility. British Medical Bulletin 1999; 55(2): 401-413.

(14) Kinman TG, Vandebriel RJ, Hoebee B. Genetic variation in the response to vaccination. Community Genet 2007; 10(4): 201-217.

(15) Lemaire D, Barbosa T, Rihet P. Coping with genetic diversity: the contribution of pathogen and human genomics to modern vaccinology. Braz J Med Biol Res 2012; 45(5): 376-385.

(16) Institute of Medicine Committee to Review Adverse Effects of Vaccines. Adverse Effects of Vaccinations: Evidence and Causality. Evaluating Biological Mechanisms of Adverse Events: Increased Susceptibility. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press 2012.

(17) DHHS. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Data and Statistics. HRSA Updated monthly.

(18) University of Minnesota. NVAC approves recommendations on health worker flu vaccination. Lisa Schnirring. CIDRAP News & Perspective. Feb. 8, 2012.

(19) NVIC. Forcing Flu Shots on Health Care Workers: Who Is Next?. NVIC eNewsletter. Barbara Loe Fisher. Sep. 29, 2010.

(20) NVIC Advocacy. Action Alerts and Bills Monitored.

(21) Humphries, S. MD. Bystrianyk, R. Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History. Jul. 27 2013.

(22) NVIC. The Vaccine Culture War in America: Are You Ready?. NVIC eNewsletter. Barbara Loe Fisher. Mar. 8, 2015